Keyboard vs Guitar

Marco Parisi shows a ROLI Seaboard Grand can almost perfectly mimic a guitar!

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Western Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Theme – Western Cover

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Grant Wills Guests NZ Music Month


11083860_10153617802002119_4608133959272817467_n  Grant stance Big stage on tour


So we are at NZ Music month again, and at GANZ we have as our Guest, Grant Wills and friends. An evening long anticipated. Grant has been on the road for the last few months, earning his living as a Kiwi musician and has very graciously agreed to give us a piece of his precious time.

Grant has always been a willing and supportive friend of GANZ and we are really appreciative of his enthusiasm for all things musical and particularly, Guitar.
Come and be entertained, enjoy some excellent guitar slinging from a player who is always the performer and goes the extra mile for his music.

See much more of Grant on Facebook


As always, we open the night with open mic and this month on the list is a group of players keen to share some Pasifika guitar and harmonies,    Fangufangu Minoa ‘O Tonga ( Minor Sound Nose-Flute Of Tonga ) is a newly-formed Tongan music group, aiming to critically revive and refine antique Tongan musical instruments and musical styles (Tongan & European acoustic instruments) — merging them with their European counterparts, with a special focus on the near extinct Tongan minor tone, the distinguishing mark of ancient Tongan music.

Fonua-Moe-Tala ‘O Tonga means culture and language of Tonga, with culture as the device for the composition of refined knowledge and skills and language as a vehicle for their communication in time and space.

Definitely worth getting in for as they blend traditional Tongan music with an appreciation of modern blues and rock and are reviving traditional instruments in a modern context.

………….and also as always, Open mic is open !!!

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Open Mic at The Ponz:




django_3It’s tomorrow night !!

Eric is off to Africa and before he goes, he has promised himself a stint at the open mic night.

This is it !! Come along any and all, bring a song or two and any friends if you have them and have a shot at performing in front of a small but supportive crowd. If you have more than 2 fingers on the fretting hand, you qualify as dextrous by Django standards. No excuses will do. ( Actually, any excuse will work to keep you off the stage )


The club Martin is available for those without guitar, if you need backing, we might be able to help,


See you, starts at 8.00pm and goes until we run out of steam.


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“Organisations & Being Organised” Seminar

On Saturday 28th March, Ryan Kershaw is hosting a seminar to help musicians and music organisations organise their contacts with organisations which can help them develop in the marketplace. I’m sure he would be pleased to hear from anyone expressing interest.

SeminarInfo SeminarSpeakers
Click on the pages to see more clear images of the text.
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